Following the remarkable success of the Mario Lego series, Nintendo is joining forces once again with the iconic brick-building company to introduce Animal Crossing Lego sets. Nintendo unveiled a sneak peek of this highly-anticipated collaboration through its social media channels on Thursday. The teaser featured a brief animation showcasing eight charming Animal Crossing minifigures in festive spirits, reveling as a balloon-propelled gift soars into the sky.
From left to right, the delightful characters include Rosie, Bunnie, the beloved Marshal from Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Kappa, Fauna, Julian, Isabelle, and the ever-shrewd Tom Nook.
While an official release date and pricing details are yet to be disclosed, Lego enthusiasts have been buzzing since August about the prospect of Animal Crossing sets hitting the market in March 2024. Leaked information suggests the release will encompass five distinct kits, ranging from a 170-piece set priced at $14.99 to a more extensive 535-piece offering available for $74.99.
Beyond the delightful minifigures and a few tantalizing hints, such as charming fruit trees and the airborne gift, details about the collaboration remain shrouded in mystery. Enthusiasts eagerly speculate about potential Lego renditions of iconic locales like Nook’s Cranny or Isabelle’s Town Hall office. Additionally, there is a fervent hope for sets that capture the essence of the island museum, complete with Brewster’s beloved The Roost coffee shop, and Jolly Redd’s enigmatic boat.
Nintendo and Lego initially unveiled their Super Mario Bros. Lego sets in 2020, marking the beginning of a prosperous partnership. Since then, Lego has introduced a wide array of products, from an interactive LED Mario figure navigating playable levels to a forthcoming 540-piece Piranha Plant set slated for release on November 6th, leaving fans eagerly anticipating the arrival of Animal Crossing in Lego form.
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